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  • “It is my opinion that Tom Mullikin, a senior environmental attorney… is one of the most persuasive and well cited researchers in this policy area”
    – President & CEO Brett A. Vassey, Virginia Manfacturers Association, in testimony before the U.S. Senate.

  • “Tom Mullikin has a huge heart for Fiji, the Pacific Rim nations, and the world. What Mullikin and his international team has done is strengthening the foundation of Fiji’s economy so that we as a nation may thrive in the global marketplace, while protecting both the Fijian people and our rich natural resources for many years to come."
    - Tevita Boseiwaqa , Fijian Permanent Secretary of Lands and Mineral Resource 

  • “Tom Mullikin – and those like him who have climbed many of the world's great summits – is a model of perseverance.”
    – Maj. Gen. James E. Livingston, USMC (Ret.), MEDAL OF HONOR recipient

  • “Men like Mullikin are the kinds of men who push the envelope beyond normal human endurance to achieve life's great summits.”
    – Richard Marcinko, founder and first commanding officer of SEAL Team Six

  • "Brig. Gen. Tom Mullikin is a patriot to be sure. But he's much more; He's a patriotic defender of the importance of a strong national defense, who vigorously – and publicly – champions the necessity of Congressional leadership which supports a strong military, law enforcement, and intelligence community." – Clare Lopez, CIA Operations Officer (Ret.)

  • “Mullikin sets the example for those willing to push beyond their perceived limits.”
    – Commander Mark Divine, U.S. Navy SEALs (Ret.), honorman graduate of his Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD/S) class who today operates SEALFIT

  • “I've known Tom Mullikin for years, and he epitomizes the warrior ethos. A man of integrity, Tom has shown the courage to face dangers and challenges only those of us who have been in infantry combat would fully understand.”
    – Lt. Col. Bill Connor, U.S. Army infantry officer (Ranger) and former senior military adviser in Helmand Province, Afghanistan

  • “…extraordinary in adventure travel circles”

  • “Sir Ernest Shackleton needed a man like [Brig. Gen.] Thomas Stowe Mullikin”
    – HUMAN EVENTS (2012)

  • “…widely considered an expert in energy issues, health care, the environment, and global climate change”

  • “Tom is interested in helping people of the world understand environmental issues. It is a privilege and honor to serve with such a great man
    -  Maj. Gen. Robert Livingston, S.C. Army National Guard, the Adjutant General of S.C.

  • “Mullikin has traveled all over the globe scaling monumental mountain peaks and has SCUBA-dived in every ocean.”
    – THE STATE newspaper

  • “Because of his extraordinary work, I can confidently affirm that Colonel Mullikin’s efforts are meaningful contributing to the whole of our national security efforts. Colonel Mullikin’s actions reflect well on himself as a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve JAG Corps and as an able member of the State Guard. As his friend and supervisor, I consider him to be a source of sincere personal pride and admiration. Working with Colonel Mullikin in both his Army Reserve and civilian capacities has given me the utmost confidence him as an officer and a leader.”
    – Mark S. Martins, Brigadier General, U.S. Army

  • "Mullikin has brought a strong sense of duty and love of state along with a wealth of experience and network of respected leaders across South Carolina to his post as Deputy Commander of the South Carolina State Guard. In short, in little more than a year he has transformed the State Guard into a meaningful asset for our great state and the S.C. Military Department."  
    – S.C. Senator Thomas C. Alexander

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